Entrance - O Come All Ye Faithful

o_come_all_ye_-_violin_part.pdf |
Glory to God (Mass of Renewal)

mass_of_renewal-b_flat-glory_to_god.pdf |

psalm_-_christmas_eve_2024.pdf |
Alleluia (Mass of Renewal)

mass_of_renewal_-alleluia_-_guitar_friendly.pdf |

alleluia_-_mass_of_renewal_-_trumpet_1.pdf |
Offertory ..... We will be playing the top chords starting with A minor chord.

god_rest_ye.pdf |
Mass of Renewal for Holy, When we Eat this bread, Amen & Lamb of God
Communion - 3 songs
Away in the manager - Old song .... different arrangement.
- Verse 1 - Away in the manger
- Verse 2 - Away in the manger
- Its Christmas
- Verse 3 - Away in the manger
- Its Christmas
- Go tell it on the mountain
- Its Christmas

away_in_a_manger-lead-a.pdf |

its_christmas-lead-a.pdf |

go_tell_it_on_the_mountain-lead-a.pdf |
2) He shall reign forever more

he_shall_reign_forevermore-lead-g.pdf |
Silent Night

silent_night_-_piano_-_guitar_-_vocal.pdf |

silent_night_-_b_flat.pdf |
Exit - Joy to the World
Postlude - Feliz Navid

feliz_navidad_-_violin_2.pdf |